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Privacy Statement
Simply Clicks is a website for business visitors. We track website visitors using two of the leading proprietary web analytics packages. These are Statcounter and Google Analytics. Both packages operate by inserting a cookie onto your browser the first time you make a visit to the website. Statcounter provides detailed real time and historical information about the IP address and the server of the visitor. Statcounter also has the facility to manually label individual visitors and track them as they enter, travel through the website, make downloads or an enquiry and when they exit the website. If the labelling facility is enabled we can track whenever a visitor makes a return visit to the website.
You can clear any cookie we insert by clearing your cookies via your browser tools or by using a free software package such as Ad-Aware. These analytics cookies are typically considered of low level interest to most ad cleaning software.
Why we track your visits
We track your visits in order to make our website more effective. We like to know what search term and search engine you have used to find us, whether the search listing was free or part of a pay per click advertising campaign, whether you have been referred to us by another website, what pages you land on, whether you bounce, what pages you navigate to, and whether you make a return visit.
If you explicitly request that we do not track your visits we can manually block the recording of your visits. Please send an email to privacy@simplyclicks.com and we will block the tracking of your IP address.
Enquiry Forms and E-mails
If you fill-in an enquiry form or send us an e-mail we will generally label the source and date of the enquiry. This information is retained exclusively for use by Simply Clicks. It is not shared with any other organisation. We may contact via e-mail, post or telephone at some future date. If at any stage you would like your name erased from our records please e-mail us.
Simply Clicks is the trading name of Simply Clicks Online Ltd.